Here’s what’s been on my nightstand lately.

Under the Overpass. Quite literally changed my life and opened my eyes to a population I previously ignored or misunderstood. Read it. You’ll be glad you did.
Matrimony. I came across this recommendation on a fellow blogger’s “to read” list. I read it, and was underwhelmed. It wasn’t terrible, but maybe a book to be checked out, not a book to be purchased.
The Time Traveler’s Wife. A book club read, and a good one. I finished this one in two or three days. I’m still in awe of how the writer created such a realistic fantasy story; in fact, I never thought I was reading fantasy, despite the time traveling element. Her book just proves my theory: a good writer has to have a great imagination.
The Red Tent. I just started this one last night, and so far, so good. I’ll keep you posted on what I think.
I’ve often tried to analyze what it is I love about books, about reading. Some days I think it’s the escape factor. I can really get lost in a good book; I can imagine myself in places I’m not. Other times I just think it’s because of the power of words. I love words, and I love when they come together to tell me something I might have missed before.
Still other times, I think it’s a God-thing. I believe in a God who tells stories, who encourages us to tell our own. So I read and discover.
Next on my list?
For my reading pleasure, a memoir (one of my favorite genres).
You have given me a new wish list for sure! :)
(Looking forward to seeing you again in a few weeks!!!)
Under the Overpass has been the most convicting book I have ever read. I cannot wait to talk to you about it.
Tell me how you like the Red Tent? It might be my summer read.
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