Friday, February 1, 2013

i think i grew up a little.

Last year, I made a list of 10 things I wanted to accomplish while I was 26. 

Rent a house. 
We now live in a lovely little home in a wonderful neighborhood in my favorite part of town.

Throw Jordan a birthday party. 
We had dinner with friends and went to see Wreck-It Ralph in 3D. Jordan declared it one of his best birthdays ever.

Run/jog a 5k. 
We went to Atlanta for The Color Run, and I jogged the whole thing.

Give up shopping for Lent. 
I chose to drink only water during the 40 days of Lent, but I'm thinking about making this my sacrifice for 2013. I think it might do me more good this year than it would have last year. I'll keep you posted. 

Go see my first midnight showing of a movie.
I went with my book club to see The Hunger Games at midnight. It was ridiculously fun. 

Find a drink I like enough to not feel awkward at cocktail parties and networking functions. 
I like mimosas, and I've decided I can ask for Sprite or Coke at networking functions and receive little to no flak. I don't like alcohol. The end.

Finish Anna Karenina. 

Find a new church home. 
Jordan and I attend the same church, but my attitude changed. A move might be in our future, but for now, we are happy. I consider this more important than the actual act of change.

See the west coast. 
We went to San Francisco, and it was everything I wanted it to be. 

Go on a spiritual retreat.
I didn't go on a spiritual retreat -- though I have one tentatively set for this April -- but I did become more quiet, and I did a lot of saying no. 


I feel good about 26. I do. Seven out of 10 met goals is pretty good, and for me, goal-setting is never about winning or beating myself up. It's about how I've grown and changed. I look at 26, and I realize: This was a good year. I did so much growing up, made so many decisions I think I'll look back on with gratitude. I embarked on this adventure of a job; I prayed; I turned down money; I moved; I loved my husband.

No one really tells you how hard growing up can be; we are privileged now to have infinite choices, different paths, but the freedom can be daunting and scary.

This year, I -- together with Jordan -- made some tough decisions, set some important boundaries. I wasn't always graceful in that decision-making and boundary-setting, but I'm a better person now, I think, than I was then. The growing up process might be painful, but like the refiner's fire I grew up hearing about in Bible class, I think we come out on the other side better for it.

I'm not done, by the way. Not even close. I hope I'm never done learning and growing and discovering. I want to always be able to say I am better this year than I was last year. I don't know if that's possible, but I'd like to try.

Tomorrow, I turn 27. I love birthdays, love growing a little older and a little wiser. I love celebrating, and I intend to do a lot of it this month. I am so incredibly grateful for 26; it's one of those rare years I can see the change that took place; nothing subtle happened. It was all big and noticeable and dramatic, and I am glad. Every so often we need to be able to see how we've changed, to measure it so we can know it happened.

I know 26 held so many big things, and that makes me very happy, very ready, for 27.


Elizabeth said...

Well done. I always feel like the most important part of setting goals is the growing and stretching they cause rather that the actual finishing of the goal.

Anonymous said...

At age 26 I did not make a list of ten goals. While many things changed for me that year they were not planned or necessarily purposeful. The day I turned 26 I was married for a total of 14 days. I was reactive much more than proactive to life for many years. This past year has been different and I think I get more satisfaction from that. Keep living with purpose and shine brightly.

Angela said...

Happy almost birthday! Isn't it strange how much we can grow in a year? I am exhausted from all last year's changes, I never would have guessed I would be where I am now...but it's great because I know it's right where God wants me. Was it easy? No no no. But it absolutely has been worth it.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday!!
p.s. i really enjoy reading your stuff. thanks for blogging :)

Sabrina said...

26 was a good year for you! Imagine all of the endless possibilities for 27? Exciting stuff!

Unknown said...

Oh wow! Happy (late) Birthday!! I read something on Pinterest (guilty as charged) that said, "Isn't it crazy how day to day everything seems the same, but when you look back, everything is completely different?" I found this so strikingly true and had never thought about it that way. This is what your post reminded me of.

P.S. Reading Anna Karenina now. Finish it! It's wonderful :)

Unknown said...

Oh wow! Happy (late) Birthday!! I read something on Pinterest (guilty as charged) that said, "Isn't it crazy how day to day everything seems the same, but when you look back, everything is completely different?" I found this so strikingly true and had never thought about it that way. This is what your post reminded me of.

P.S. Reading Anna Karenina now. Finish it! It's wonderful :)