Thursday, September 29, 2011

inspired week 46.

 {photo by Dani Padgett via Note to Self}

"My spiritual life withers in too much togetherness, just as it thrives in quiet. Alone I find my link to the vertical, the divine: I meditate and pray and walk and dream and write by the hour anything long. I meet myself and my creator again. But I could never be content without also being connected to the horizontal, my people. Because I know I'll get to occupy both worlds, I'm content in either, with the heavenly balance of both."

- Emma Lou Thayne
{originally found here}


monster cakes said...

This completely went with the devotional I did this morning. "It has been said that no great work of literature or science was ever produced by someone who did not love solitude." (Streams in the Desert)

I need to do more of this. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Beautiful picture and beautiful quote! I feel like I need to work on my spiritual time alone more. This quote is very inspiring.