Thursday, June 10, 2010

on unbelief.

Update: Everything went just fabulously. I think God is going to be teaching me so much this summer. I love Him.


As I mentioned in this post, each Thursday night I'll be gathering with the high school girls and two dear friends to lead a girls' Bible study.

I've done this before, but I am nervous.

I am nervous because I know God has called me to this. I heard His voice, and I obeyed, and I found others who heard the call too.

And Satan hates that.

So he is whispering doubts, and I am praying over them. Loudly, because I do not want to hear.

It's funny, then, that tonight's discussion centers on unbelief.

Because sometimes, I fall into this trap where I believe in a Savior, but I don't believe the Savior. I don't trust what He tells me to trust.

And one thing He tells me to trust is that He is in control.

Tonight is not mine. It is His.

I must believe that.

I must believe in who He says He is, and perhaps just as importantly, believe I am who He says I am.*

I am His child. His daughter. His prize. His redeemed one. His dance partner. His vessel. His friend.

The God who created the Heavens and the Earth, who makes the ground tremble and quake, the oceans and the seas roar, is the same God who knows me backward and forward. He knows where I lie down and where I sit up. He knows my motives and my heart.

And if I believe that, I can do anything.

"Tenacity is more than hanging on, which may be but the weakness of being too afraid to fall off. Tenacity is the supreme effort of a man refusing to believe this his hero is going to be conquered. . . . Remain spiritually tenacious."
- Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

*A concept from the study we'll be using this summer, Praying God's Word by Beth Moore.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I continue to be excited about this endeavor. I agree, Satan is trying to attack because he's down right pissed that God is already working. But I think our chorus of prayers can drown out those falsehoods.