In the car, on the way to work, at work, at home, in church… I prayed. To my neighbors, my friends, my family, my book club members, my husband, I asked: Please pray. No rain.
Friday was hot, humid, and gorgeous.
Sunday was beautiful, breezy… A taste of spring.
Saturday was cloudy, overcast, and so muggy you could taste it.
Then the clouds parted, and the sun began to shine, and I thought: God has done it again. He has listened to my simple prayer. There will be no rain.
And there wasn’t.
As my mother and I toiled in the hot Florida sunshine, there was no rain.
While Drew and Jordan moved tables and chairs, there was no rain.
Tablecloths, flowers, lemons, napkins, paper products. There was no rain.
Changed clothes, parking spots, party signs. There was no rain.
But at 6:15, as guests continued to trickle in, there was thunder. And lighting.
And then came the rain.
My family moved in a way I’ve seldom seen. No words, just movement. Tables, chairs, tablecloths, flowers, vases, lemons, food… What I had worked days and months for changed in an instant.
And it was beautiful.
Tables and centerpieces were set up. Guests ate close together, like family should. The food was delicious. My husband’s smile was big. Dear friends traveled to see and to celebrate.
And the rain didn’t matter.
Hair frizzed, make-up ran, sweat poured.
And it didn’t matter.
The food was good.
The music was good.
The company was oh so very good.
And the rain didn’t matter.
In parties, and in life, there is unwanted rain.
Storms that come up unexpectedly.
That catch us off-guard.
There are hurts that bruise. Wounds that are often deep.
This weekend, there was rain. Both literal and figurative.
I handled one with grace. The other, I’m not so sure.
But I am learning that both sunshine and rain come from the Father.
And in all of His infinite wisdom, my Father knew I would overcome the storm.
He knew I would smile. That my family would come through. And that ultimately, that day would still be so very beautiful.
I hope one day, the same can be said of the figurative clouds that come my way. That I will look on them and smile. That those I love will come through. And that ultimately, my story will be beautiful too.
{before the rain}
{and the clouds come in}
{and the rain comes}
{and it is so beautiful.}
{fuzzins... identical fuzzins...}
{enjoying barbecue}
{good friends}
{and more good friends}
{and family}
{such good family}

{without her (and my talented father), this party would have been food-less...}
{and the man of the hour. happy graduation day!}
{and it was beautiful. the end.}
What an incredible party!! I am SO glad it was so wonderfully! Congratulations Jordan!
beautiful! you are incredible!!!
where did you get your dress??????
You handled the rain and all things with grace and dignity! I couldn't have been prouder!!! I, on the otherhand, look like the wreck of the hespers ~ thank you for not identifying me in the pics! By the look of the bags under my eyes I need some serious rest! And so I shall :) xxoo
Love it! You are awesome! All of your parties are so cute!! Can't you come to Gainesville for grad school???
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