Wednesday, June 24, 2009

texas better watch it.

By the time you read these words of mine, I will be discovering my inner Texan.

This week, my job is sending me to Austin for the HOW Design conference. I won’t lie, I’m pretty pumped. I’m also slightly intimidated. The conference is for graphic designers and creative types, and even though I like to consider myself one of them, I’m not sure I really am.

But that’s okay.

I’ve decided that instead of being intimidated, I will devote myself to two of my favorite things: observing and learning.

I figure that’s what makes for the best life experiences anyway.

So, wish me luck.

And if you know anybody in Texas (or at the HOW conference), let me know.

I could probably use the company.

*And be thinking/praying for the hubs this week. He's competing in a moot court competition in Orlando. Good luck, J.J.!

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