Well, folks, we got the apartment.
You’d think I’d be happier.
And, really, I am.
Unfortunately, I had to use my entire Macbook fund to pay for the security deposit.
Stupid realtors and their dirty tricks.
Anyway, my dreams of a world where Husband and I do not have to share a laptop have been indefinitely put on hold.
But at least we have new digs.
Or will have, come July 1.
To get myself back in the spirit of things, I’ve compiled a brief wish list of items I’d like in time for move-in day. (Wish lists are a favorite of mine lately; have you noticed? Seems to make reality a little more bearable...)
You’d think I’d be happier.
And, really, I am.
Unfortunately, I had to use my entire Macbook fund to pay for the security deposit.
Stupid realtors and their dirty tricks.
Anyway, my dreams of a world where Husband and I do not have to share a laptop have been indefinitely put on hold.
But at least we have new digs.
Or will have, come July 1.
To get myself back in the spirit of things, I’ve compiled a brief wish list of items I’d like in time for move-in day. (Wish lists are a favorite of mine lately; have you noticed? Seems to make reality a little more bearable...)

An outdoor table, for our dining pleasure. (Or for plants; it looks pretty versatile.)
These are a tad expensive, but I have a feeling Craigslist searches may provide cheaper look-alikes.
I've got wallpaper to deal with in the new place, so why not just replace the old with some new?

I'm a sucker for a good coffee table book, and combining grammar with beautiful illustrations? GENIUS.
Okay, I feel much better now. Amazing what a little wishing will do. For more decoration inspiration, check out these previous posts.
Oooh, I love the clipboard idea! Thanks for posting it...I may just have to re-vamp my desk area now :)
Sorry about the Mac, but this is exciting! Wish it would have happened a week ago when 3 guys were looking for a place to live instead of four!
I love your wish lists!!! And I am excited for you and the new apt!! Sorry about the Mac.... one day... for now, keep dreaming! By the way, when I was at IKEA last week, I saw your little yellow cabinet you want! Took a picture of it. :)
Yay!! Congrats on the new address! I can't wait to see what you do with the place!
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