Friday, January 2, 2009

hello, 2009.

For New Year's Eve, we had friends and fondue, a wicked game of Revolution, and sparkling grape juice. We counted down to '09 three times before we produced a successful video. Anyway, here's to a happy 2009!

{my new year's decisions}

swallow the Scriptures.
establish a book club.
devote my Friday nights to my husband.
learn how to cook healthily and plan my meals in advance.
take a photography or graphic design class.
drink more water and less Coca-Cola.
continue to use my gifts in a variety of ways.

exercise on a regular basis.
find moments of quiet and enjoy them.
wake up earlier.
pray the daily hours.
practice patience with others.
let my creative juices flow.
take long walks.
choose joy and love.

{What are your new year's decisions?}


jenna said...

Hahaha!! That video made me laugh so hard at the end!!

Jordan: "We're already perfect."

Annie: (Startled and eager to clarify) No we're not!!!

Annie said...

I know! I couldn't believe he said that! Way to jinx us going into 2009!