Friday, November 7, 2008

Real world thoughts #892

I miss journalism.

I’ve entered the non-profit world, and most days, I’m happy here. It’s different (partly because it’s the real world, and partly because it’s just a new type of communication for me), and even though I do feel like I’m using my degree… Sometimes there’s just something missing.

I miss writing.

I miss interviewing.

I miss being surrounded by creative people who challenge me and think like me.

Really, though, I wonder if I just miss school. If entering graduate school will relieve these feelings I’m having. I do think it will help, although by no means will FSU be anything like Faulkner. I have a feeling it’s going to be a wake-up call for me.

So I do think school will help. But I still wonder: will I ever get to write articles again? Conduct interviews? I just don’t know. I’m not quite sure what God has in store.

Yesterday I had a meeting with a marketing manager about an event we’re supposed to promote together. She’s just 24, so right ahead of where I’m coming from. It’s nice to spend time with people like that; they tend to know exactly what I mean, what I’m going through. She encouraged me to stick out my current job (for the résumé’s sake) and to go to grad school. I intend to do both of those things. Jordan’s in law school, so one of us has to work. My current employer gives me lots of freedom, and while I may not be writing articles or designing layouts, I do get to edit, and design flyers, work on the web… all things relative to my career of choice.

Do I miss magazine world? Yes. Do I still have little bouts of “what might have been”? Yes. But I’m discovering (and I’ve said this before, but bear with me… It comes up frequently in my little world) that God might not expect me to find fulfillment in my job. Instead, I’m expected to be fulfilled by Him, and by serving Him.

One day, maybe God will bless me with a job that inspires my passions and fills me with delight. But until then, I’ve got to “sanctify the ordinary.” I’ve got to focus on being a God-honoring fiancée (and in 15 days… wife!). I’ve got to use my gifts to serve others (like here). And I’ve got to do my best to serve God right where I am.

(And I can blog a little in the process. ‘Cause, you know, a girl’s gotta write.)

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