Tuesday, June 26, 2012

beautifully rooted || peer pressure.

{photo by Carin Davis}

My cousin graduated from high school last month, and the pastor at her baccalaureate service said something I'm sure I've heard before. I'm sure it's been whispered to me by my mother in moments of frustration, sure I may have been offered the same advice and instruction at my own high school graduation eight years ago. But somehow, I have forgotten it, and the words which may have fallen on the deaf ears of a crowd of high school students fell perfectly into my own listening ones.

Peer pressure doesn't end after high school.

That's it. That's the big resounding truth that I've been turning over in my head these last few weeks, the thought that surfaced to the top as I reached for any idea suitable for this month's post.

I've been struggling lately. I think that's normal; I hear your 20s are all about self-discovery, about figuring out who you are and where you want to be. I was relatively prepared for this. I was ready to ask myself questions and mull over answers and start making changes. What I didn't expect was the backlash I'd receive from peers, the frustration those I love would exhibit when I decided to step back a little, when the answers I gave and the discoveries I made led to changes, big and small.

Read today's post over on Beautifully Rooted.


Anonymous said...

Peer pressure or expectations that are placed by others in our lives can have a variety of results. It is natural for one to grow and become more of an individual. That growth or any change does affect those around you. They are forced to change as you grow. The dynamics are forever altered. They lose a part of themselves when you change. We all need to remember to look at the journey with wonder, be thankful for each opportunity, and make sure our destiny lies in His hands. UR

Unknown said...

I love your words Annie, and have for quite some time!
I've just turned 20 this year and reading your blog has made me ask myself hard questions & figure out my role as a Christian woman who is diligently seeking after our Lord.

Keep writing, keep pondering over those hard questions. (:

Andrea Howe said...

I think it's almost more accepted for us to go through self-discovery, changes, contemplations when you're in your 30's. It's almost as if your 20's are supposed to be about carefree living and grabbing every moment of your bits of youth before you're no longer considered "young" and enter your 30's. Once you hit your 30's, true self discovery begins, if you hadn't gone through it in your 20's that is. Peers are trying to settle into their true calling, place in life and make changes accordingly. It's completed accepted then, and often praised. That's my take on why you may be experiencing a bit of backlash anyhow? Maybe some of your peers are not yet ready to grow up completely ;)