Thursday, March 11, 2010

good news.

{via here from here}

If there is one thing the ups and downs of the past week (months?) have taught me, it's that God knows what we can handle. I've often wondered if we take that Scripture out of context. Because I kind of think Job had more than he could handle. Abraham too. Probably Moses. Definitely Mary (a baby and a virgin? hello!). And all kinds of friends and family I could name, but I won't.

So here's my thought. 

God doesn't give us more than He can handle. 

And as we know, His hands are pretty large. 

In addition, I think God knows when we've reached our limits. He knew when to talk to Job. When to give Abraham a child. When to send Moses some help. When to provide Mary with a friend in Elizabeth. 

He knows exactly what I need. 

And so Wednesday, He told me I got accepted into a graduate program I'm really excited about. 

Does this answer our questions about our future or what's next? 

No. Not really.

But the peace that overcame me when I received the news was more than I could describe.

My self-esteem is back. 

My hope is renewed. 

New possibilities are on the horizon, and it feels good. 

Tallahassee. Tuscaloosa. Athens. Perhaps even D.C.

My God certainly does know just what I need. 

And He provided just that.


jenna said...

Praise the Lord, the HIS strength is made perfect in our weakness.

Betsy said...

Tuscaloosa, huh? That's where I am right now, and God willing it is where I will be during the 4 years of my ph.d.

Thanks for this post--you hit the nail on the head and I needed to hear it. Like you, I'm also waiting on the "you've been accepted" letter to come, and it is so hard to stay calm and collected while waiting. It is so comforting and empowering to know that my God is bigger than all of the uncertainty.

I will be praying for you, friend, as you seek the Lord and try to faithfully walk the path in front of you even though you might not see it clearly right now. God knows the way--and He never gets lost.

BPremo said...

Yay that the Lord provides what we need!

Also, may I just cast my vote for Tuscaloosa?!