Saturday, January 9, 2016

an announcement.

I'm not ready to call this blog "closed," but I am ready to admit I simply don't have the time for it I once did. Running the bookstore takes up so much of my creative energy, and I'm struggling to find a place to tell my stories and share my words. 


The blog will remain here as a journal of sorts, but I'm afraid it will continue to be somewhat neglected. In its place, I'll be sharing my stories in a monthly email -- a newsletter for those of you who want to keep in touch. There's no pressure to sign up, of course, but I am excited to tell my stories in a new format. 

In a desire to simplify things a bit, the monthly newsletter will be called From the Front Porch -- the same title as my weekly podcast. Each month, I'll share a personal essay, reading recommendations, favorite finds from around the web, and -- of course -- snippets spoken in the shop. 

If you're like me, inbox space is precious, so I assure you I'll keep these emails to a monthly schedule. 

This blog began at a time when I was adjusting to life in the "real world," post college graduation, pre-marriage, even. A lot of things have happened since then, and it's been my pleasure to share so many of my stories here. I hope I'll have time in the future to update here as I can -- this blog has been a great space for memory-keeping, and by writing here, I've discovered so much about myself. 

For now, though, I know time is limited, and I'd like to try in 2016 to write as often as I can. Once a month feels right, and I'd love to continue to share my words with you. 

If you'd like to sign up, I've included the form below. 

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