Thursday, September 10, 2015

spoken in the shop, vol. 24.

On kids say the darndest things
"Mom, I'm not sure if you know this about me, but food makes me dance."


On bookseller/customer relationships
Customer to bookseller: "Maybe we're reading soulmates."


On mother knows best
"Seriously, if I didn't think my girls would be complete a-holes, I'd totally bring them in here."


On yes, absolutely, couldn't agree more
"Stanley Tucci has a cookbook? You know, for a short, bald guy he's pretty hot."


On opinions
"I'm buying this book, but I really don't like the illustrations. Will you let him know?"


On irony
Customer: "Could you guys order a book for me?"
Bookseller: "Sure, what's the title?"
Customer: "It's called Codependent No More, and I'm going to need two copies."


On graciousness and gifts
Customer: "My friend said she left something here for me."
Bookseller: "Okay. What's your name?"
Customer: "Anna."
Bookseller: "Oh! Yes." Hands over envelope. "Here you go!"
Customer, disdainfully flips over envelope: "Well, I guess this is one way to get me off her back."
Bookseller, helpfully: "Um, it's actually a gift certificate."
Customer: "Oh."

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