Friday, June 5, 2015

what's making me happy this week, 5.

Every so often, in addition to those 52 essays I'm supposed to be cranking out, I'm going to publish a small list of what's making me happy, a la one of my favorite podcasts, NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour. Nothing major, just a new series to remind me to count my blessings. 

Here's what's making me happy this ridiculously long week: 

- Grace Helbig on YouTube. Am I too old to like Grace Helbig? I don't know. I did some Googling this week after finishing Mamrie Hart's You Deserve a Drink, and although I'd heard of Grace Helbig, I'd never watched one of her videos -- until Monday, when I spent the better part of my morning watching them at random (with some of Mamrie's and Hannah Hart's videos thrown in). I can't stop, and I'm not even sure why. They're oddly addicting? Someone explain to me the power of the YouTube video, stat. 

- New employees. No one teaches you how to be a boss, despite the number of mugs and tattoos I've purchased to the contrary. (There's literally a mug on my desk right now that says, "Girl, you are a boss." Some days, I need the reminder.) Saying goodbye to an employee -- especially a good employee -- feels a little bit like the worst, but you know? It's going to be okay. Maybe even better than okay, because this week, I've trained two new part-timers, and I think they're going to be just what our little store needs this summer. Training might be awkward and tedious, but I think it's going to be worth it. Hooray!

- Washington, D.C. memories. I have slight post-vacation depression, so basically I'm scrolling through pictures and wearing my Nationals' baseball cap everywhere it's socially acceptable. Apparently vacations make us happy when we spend time reminiscing, so... done.

- This video. I have nothing else to add, except this is why the Internet exists.

- Carrie Rollwagen. I think I was out of town the week this actually made me happy, but I never shared it here, and I want to. A few weeks ago, we hosted Carrie Rollwagen, author of The Localist, in our shop, and despite a smaller turnout than I would have liked, Carrie was lovely. (Her book, by the way, is equally parts delightful and convicting. Read it!) She was so fun to meet, and she had lots of encouraging and enlightening things to say about entrepreneurship and the book business; it's so helpful to realize I'm not doing this thing alone. Then, lo and behold, she went and wrote this incredibly kind review about our store. People can be the best.

- Sheona and snail mail. Speaking of people being the best, this week, I got a letter -- and actual, honest-to-goodness letter -- from a blog reader in Scotland. Can you believe it? Scotland! I never know who's reading this anymore -- blogs are going the way of the dinosaur, I think -- but Sheona from Scotland is, and I am so grateful for the letter she sent my way. Sheona, if you're reading this, thank you. You really, truly made my week. (And for the rest of you, consider this your weekly PSA to write someone you know letter. It is always worth the effort. Plus, Flannery O'Connor stamps debut today. Get on it.) 

And that's what's making me happy this week. June, let's be awesome, shall we?


  1. That review is so nice! Yay!! I just wanted to comment because I've noticed I still read (some) blogs, but I very rarely comment. So maybe it's just that blog comments are dying? Who knows. I still love reading your posts and always bookmark the books you recommend! I so wish my town had a store like yours.

  2. That review is so nice! Yay!! I just wanted to comment because I've noticed I still read (some) blogs, but I very rarely comment. So maybe it's just that blog comments are dying? Who knows. I still love reading your posts and always bookmark the books you recommend! I so wish my town had a store like yours.


I love a good comment! Please be sure your email is enabled in your Blogger account so that I can reply back to you. So glad you stopped by!