Friday, April 24, 2015

what's making me happy this week, 4.

Every so often, in addition to those 52 essays I'm supposed to be cranking out, I'm going to publish a small list of what's making me happy, a la one of my favorite podcasts, NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour. Nothing major, just a new series to remind me to count my blessings. 

Here's what's making me happy this week (which has been, overall, rough): 

- Texting long-distance friends. As I type this, my friend and I are debating, via text, whether or not the death of McDreamy last night was justified or necessary. Neither of us watches Grey's anymore, but no matter: This is important stuff. Also texting this week about Kimmy Schmidt, the feasibility of a long-distance book club, and whether my dad looks like Walter White.

- The Innocence Project. This is actually left over from last week, but no matter: I've been an advocate for the Innocence Project since discovering it during my time at The Florida Bar. There's undoubtedly an innocence project in your area, and I'd recommend supporting their work in some way. Jordan and I had the opportunity to attend the Innocence Project of Florida's annual banquet last week, where we met at least a half a dozen men who spent decades in prisons for crimes they didn't commit. We consider it an important part of our marriage and finances to give back to organizations and people we care about, and I wanted this year for us to start thinking outside our typical, regular donations. Not to get on a soapbox, but I'd encourage you to do the same, if you're so inclined. (Need recommendations of organizations to support? Try the new book The Path Appears by Nicholas Kristof.) Making a difference, even small, really does make you happier.

- Entrepreneurial support. So our book signing with Carrie Rollwagen didn't have the best attendance. (I am learning lessons all the time, and this one was: Never plan a store event the week of Thomasville's Rose Festival.) But that didn't stop me from asking Carrie questions about entrepreneurship and local business partnership and bookstore ownership and more. It was fun, and a reminder that this ship I'm sailing isn't as lonely as it often feels. 

- Staffing solutions. I'm treating the store like a puzzle I have to solve, and slowly, some pieces are falling into place. There have been setbacks and hardships, but each day I'm identifying more and more the type of store I want to run and how. This morning, I met with our manager, and we got some things settled, and I already am feeling hopeful for fall. 

And that's what's making me happy this week. Here's hoping for a less eventful start to May?


  1. Long-distance friend texts are the best. Two nights ago, my long-distance college friend and I bonded over a mutual love of the live-action "Madeleine" movie from when we were kids. (I had whispered in a British accent "I can do anything" to myself as I was starting a new paper for school, and my husband looked at me like I was crazy [no idea why ;)], even after I explained the Madeleine reference. Luckily, long-distance friend was all "I whisper that too!")

  2. "A Path Appears" is one of the best books I read last year!! I love it so very very much and spent many hours researching causes and organizations I wanted to support. I love that you have found an organization to support that hits home for you and your family!



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