Friday, January 30, 2015

spoken in the shop, vol. 20.

On New York Times bestsellers
Customer: "I couldn't get into Gone Girl. I just like bestsellers."
Me: "Well, Gone Girl was on the bestseller list for about two and a half years, so..."


On day drinking
"If I seem a little drunk, I'm not. I just have vertigo right now."


On trash TV
Customer commenting on my reading habits: "A book a week? Do you ever just watch Jerry Springer or something?"


On our special Cheers-like atmosphere
Customer: "I just love that you guys know my name."


On Unbroken
"You haven't read Unbroken yet? Oh, you must! I didn't like the movie though. Well, really [whispers], I don't like that woman director."


On living the dream
Former coworker to me: "I just had to come see you. It's rare to know someone who vocalizes their dream and then makes it happen... in record time! And you were so right about Gone Girl; you were an early adopter!"


On that generic vibe we're definitely not aiming for
"It's like a little Books-A-Million. You know what? We need a Books-A-Million in Thomasville."


On what not to do at a free letter writing event
Customer: "Oh, I thought this was a letter writing club. These are all just notecards."
Manager: "We have some paper on the table as well, if you'd prefer that."
Customer: "I'm used to writing 12-page letters to my friends, so that won't work either."


On why sometimes, you should shop Amazon
"Do you guys have cereal here?"


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