Friday, January 2, 2015

52 essays.

This year, I'm focusing on self-care, on nurturing my mind and body in ways I've long neglected for the sake of my business. One of the goals stemming from my "one little word" is to write more; not all of that writing will be public. In fact, I'm hoping much of my writing will be done in a journal, away from the Internet and away from the screen.

But I do still enjoy blogging; it's a different medium than it was when I first began back in 2008, and I'm not interested in sponsorships or advertisements or even thousands of followers; there's nothing wrong with those things, but those goals don't suit my life or the blog I run. Instead, I want to get back into the simple habit of writing more regularly, of putting my thoughts into words and my words into the world. In my opinion, this blog is still one of the best ways to do that.

Unfortunately, the time I had available to me in 2008 isn't available anymore. Running the bookstore takes up an inordinate amount of time and energy; even the blog reading I do has become virtually nonexistent. I'm borrowing an idea, then, from a fellow blogger, one I stumbled across on Instagram: 52 essays in 52 weeks. Lauren, from the blog Found and Favored, launched her 52 essay project a few weeks ago; each Friday, she's posting a new essay and pushing herself to put her work out for the Internet to read and see. 

Starting this week, I'll be doing the same thing, only I'll be publishing my essays on Tuesdays instead of Fridays. (I'm hoping this will give me Sunday and Monday to write and edit before scheduling for publication on Tuesday morning.) I'm approaching this practically: The essays won't all be lengthy or even well-done, but they will be -- I hope -- thoughtful and edited. In other words, these won't be picture-heavy posts or DIY projects or favorites lists or book reviews; these will be 52 essays inspired by the bookstore, by small business, by faith, by marriage. These will be essays inspired by life, essays like the ones that led me to love blogging -- and writing -- in the first place. 

I know there are other ways my soul and body will need nurturing this year. I've got a whole list percolating in my head of how to be and do better in the coming months, but this is one I'm most excited about. This blog and the writing I love have been neglected since my adventure with entrepreneurship began, and although that's understandable, I don't think it needs to continue to be that way any longer. I believe I'm a better person when I'm reading and writing and taking care of myself, and I'm hopeful that at the end of 2015, I'll be a more well-rounded, healthier me -- with 52 essays as proof.


  1. Hi Annie, I look forward to reading these essay as you post them. I have been following your blog for a little bit and enjoy your writing. I can relate to your new adjustment in a new place. Happy New Year!

  2. I'm so looking forward to this! :)

  3. I like the idea of "self-care" I should probably consider this one for myself too.

    I am looking forward to reading your essays.

    Happy New Year Annie!


  4. One of the things I love most about your blog is that it isn't picture-heavy or full of lists. Thank you for posting your writing; I love reading it and somehow can almost always identify with everything you write. I'm looking forward to this!

  5. Beautiful blog revamp. Your creativity is a gift! Which I am sure you already know. Enjoy the self-care, even if others don't get it, you know what you need. I look forward to reading more on your blog this year:) Also, let's get a January meet-up on the books at some point.

  6. Annie I'm so glad to hear you will lstil be sharing essays with us readers! Love your voice and you are either hitting the nail on the head with something going on in my life or you make me pause and think about something. I just love visiting our blog. So thank you!

  7. yay!! You are such a good writer Annie, it will be great to read your thoughts! Happy New Year and good luck with your new project :)

  8. So cool! I'm really flattered you borrowed my idea and I love your writing! Kathleen Kelly lovers unite.


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