Thursday, September 11, 2014

spoken in the shop, vol. 17.

On why gender issues exist
Customer 1: "Look at this animal book! It's done by the Smithsonian."
Customer 2: "Yeah. It'd be a great gift for a little boy." 


On perspective
Me: "You have a great weekend!"
Customer (approx. 70-years-old): "I intend to. And if I don't, it's my own fault!"


On erotica
"You might want to tell your other customers this one's about 25 shades of grey."


On confidence
First grader at story time: "I really do think I'm the smartest girl in the world."


On job qualifications
Phone call: "Are you hiring?"
Me: "We're not currently hiring, but I do encourage people to drop off their resumes if they're interested."
Phone call, hesitation: "Do I have to work the cash register?


On not understanding local bookselling
Phone call: "Do you all buy books from"


On compliments
We have a wooden cat with glasses sitting by our register.
Customer to manager: "The cat looks like you."


On treating yo' self.
"Mom! It's always about money! Sometimes you've just got to take a load off!"


On why Google is so important
"When I send my book to a publisher, do you know what format my pictures need to be in?"

1 comment:

  1. Lovely - the taglines work the magic for me on this post

    one day once I've safeguarded my future security, it's byebye corporate job and doing what I love..

    good luck with your bookstore!!


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