Friday, June 20, 2014

hello there, podcast.


Hooray! The store podcast, From the Front Porch, is officially up and running. Thank you all for giving me the push I needed to give this whole crazy project a try; I'd love it if you'd take a listen and share what you think. We've got three episodes out online now, and I think we're getting better with each one.

I am not a podcast expert; in fact, I only really listen to one: This American Life, a podcast so well done it would be an injustice to compare it with what we're trying to do. So I need your help figuring out what's next. What topics would you like to hear covered? Our next episode, we're devoting entirely to beach reads (the shame and stigma with buying a beach book, plus a look at how beach reads vary from region-to-region), but after that? We're wide open. I know I've asked before, but now that you've heard a few episodes, what do you think? Where should we take this thing? What topics should we cover?

Thanks, friends. I'm trying to get back into the hang of blogging more regularly; time is hard to come by these days, but I've felt inspired lately, and I think that's a good sign. In the meantime, listen to the podcasts and report back. I'd love to know what you think.


  1. I'm not one to listen to podcasts (I know, right?), but so excited that you're delving into completely unfamiliar grounds. :)

    Only the best! :)

  2. Hi! :} I found this article which gives a really good introduction to Podcasting. It is a website all about social media. Hope the article is useful to you!


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