Thursday, April 3, 2014

spoken in the shop, vol. 12.

On "that kind" of literature
"Don't worry; it's not a bodice ripper."


On bookmarks and how they're used
Four-year-old at story time: "You put them on every 20th page." 


On the postal service
"I buy my stamps like I buy my clothes: only the pretty ones."


On customer service
Customer: "What kind of blocks do you carry?"
Manager: "We have wooden Uncle Goose blocks; they're great quality, made in the U.S."
Customer: "Great, could you just text me a picture of those?"


On store identity
 "So this is a bookstore slash what, exactly?"


On why there should be a customer/salesperson boundary
"You're just so cute and wholesome. I don't think vile thoughts when I look at you."


On the art of being discreet
Customer: "I'm embarrassed to even ask this, but do you have the book How to be...?"
Me: "... Yes?"
Customer, whispering, leaning in: "... Badass?"


On painted nails
"Oh, I love your nails. I bet you're so nice to hold hands with. You must make your husband very happy."


  1. I always love these!!!

  2. I always look forward to these posts.

  3. On store identity
    "So this is a bookstore slash what, exactly?"

    I laughed and lauuuughed.


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