Monday, November 4, 2013

spoken in the shop, vol. 8

On vegetables and artillery
Woman 1 (laughing): "Look! There's a magazine called Garden & Gun!"
Woman 2: "What, like, here, let me protect your tomatoes with my rifle?" 


On cupcakes + shopping local
Customer: "So where are these cupcakes made?"
Me: "They're made locally in Tallahassee and delivered fresh every day."
Customer: "Tallahassee is not local. I am so sick of people saying that. It's 45 minutes up the road!"


On staff selections
"I don't understand what all these names are doing by these books. Who are these people?"


On privacy
Me: "Could you sign this receipt for me, please?"
Customer: "I want to say no."


On the importance of titles
"I just can't figure out what this is supposed to be about." (Spoken while flipping through a copy of Outside magazine.)


On that European influence
"My wife and I were just talking, and we think this must be what libraries in Scandinavia are like."


  1. I've never looked at Outside Magazine but I do agree that there are a lot of one word of short phrase titles and a cover of a random object telling me nothing about what the book will be about.

    If I want to find a good book I have to do a lot of research first. Browsing the shelves is getting harder and harder because of ambiguous covers. Or have adult book covers always been ambiguous?

  2. These really are funny comments today! Sure can give you a chuckle to be in retail!


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